marți, 18 iunie 2013


Frumoasă şi tristă
ca sufletul

Frumoasă, căci frumuseţea
e întotdeaună bună. Uneori
sau,de cele mai multe ori,
ascunde cel mai profund urât.
Şi tristă, căci odată ce întelegi
îţi vine să te sinucizi.
Căci simţi nevoia de eliberare, de
purificare, de
Întelegem prea multe.
Împliniti, dar
niciodată fericiţi.

Aerul nu suportă constrângeri. El este acolo şi 
pretutindeni. Nu 
cunoaşte bariere.

Frumos şi trist.
Are radacini , dar
invizibile. Căci nu ştii
când se terminăă.
Chiar dacă pleacă, va
Ca sufletul meu.

duminică, 2 iunie 2013


We are in a hotel room.. and you`re sleeping. And the only thing I can think of is the smell of the coffee in my hands. Because it`s like  a pale of fresh air, it`s like you when you came into my messy life, into my  crumbled thoughts and you turned me upside down.
You`re sleeping and you`re picturing in your dream all your hopes. And I`m half naked because I know you love this picture. That black bra is in the corner, and your T-shirt is still unavailable. It`s like a movie or like a scene from the book of my dreams.You wanted me to come with you to the seaside. And here we are now. I wanted it too, but it was a mistake not to tell you. The difference is that you knew what you want. I don`t. I live with you even the things I`ve never dreamt of. I`ve never thought about the future, only if it was about my career. The reason is so simply and so silly, love, because I`ve always believed just in me. I`m not on my own anymore and it`s not about my future. Things have changed, forasmuch today it`s about us and about our future. And this `our` make all these things have sense.
We love each other. At the beginning, you were the only one who loved. Not more, not less, not much, not even a little. You loved. Loved me at my worst, loved the very me even when you discovered my flaws, and my mistakes, and my past. And I did not even look at you in that way, because, remember? I`ve always been on my own, because everything was a play.
Now I love you from my deepest and I`m pretty sure that`s my biggest fulfilment. I love your weakest points and your lowest strenghts. And I do not love you because I see me inside of you, you`re not a mirror. I love you because I`ve always seen the real you, because I see the whole world when I look into you`re eyes, because I see all those things we can do together, all those beautiful things we`ve done thus far.
I adore you, little stuff. I`m not living my greatest dream, I`m dreaming my greatest reality and I know it`s real. You`re a part of me, like a deadly disease. I could never get tired of you.

And here`s your English lesson. Enjoy!