miercuri, 29 februarie 2012

If the doors of perception were cleansed, we would see everything as it really is: infinite

`If the doors of perception were cleansed, we would see everything as it really is: infinite.`
`What`s this?`
`My homework, mom.`
`Oh, I understand. And what do you have in mind right now?`
`I don`t really know. I`m thinking of all those pokerfaces we see everyday.``
OK, develop this!`
`From my point of view, we all wear a mask and maybe, there`s a moment when all those masks become a part of you and of you soul and not even you can feel which  the real `you` is. From this, derives the idea that when you cannot understand who you are, you cannot really see the personality of the one you love, for example.`
`I don`t get the last part.`
`Well, when you have `horse glasses` and you see only what you want, you cannot perceive the real world and your own mask becomes a mask for the people around you.`
`Yes, maybe you`re right, but what about the infinite?`
`Oh, that`s a good question, mom. I`m just a fool little child, but I believe we are infinite.`
` Why do you have such an idea?`
`Because my soul and the feelings which are inside of it are infinite and yours, too. And when all those feelings change into actions, there would be consequences and those consequences will affect the other. That`s why you`ve told me to think before I speak and that`s why I don`t care anymore about the past, I care about the future and the future is now.`
`OK, you`re a smart child.`
`My feelings change into actions and my actions have consequences and all I do remains in your memory, mom. Because the memory will never die, She`s infinite...`
`And now, your homework is finished!`
`And infinite, don`t forget!`

luni, 27 februarie 2012

Her letter : The more I get to know humans, the more I get to love dogs

Dear human,

You have the drift to hoot when you should talk, to run when you should walk, but most, galling to be so selfish that even you become beside the point for you. I met you almost sixteen years ago, you were much more alive and I used to think that you feel and that I`m too small for you, but you`re such a twister, my darling, and I was such a fool to let you twist me, but don`t worry, honey, now I really know you. You really like playing, that`s all about; you mess things up and I, foolish heart, fall deeper and deeper day by day for you and that`s kind of a free fall. You, yes you, taught me that life`s about me and, sincerely, at that time, this really sounded like a universal truth, but you`re a liar. Oh, I almost forgot to let fall your favourite game, what a coincidence, soul football. And now, after telling you all those things, I`m sorry to inform you, but I`ve taken one irrevocable decision: we, I mean you and you, should break up, and believe me, darling, this is just a safeguard for my heart, not to become a tic-tac-toc field for you. And in what concerns dogs, those `oh, never let those horrifies human killers touch you`, I take the risk to tell you that `killer`, as they are at least, they never lie, they like bones football, not soul football; they really shut up when they should and, most important, they eat cats, not feelings.
                                                                               So, goodbye!

P.S. You have 2 days to give me back all my private feelings and don`t forget that I left on your desk that alive thing called heart, And, please,  put it in a box and don`t forget to rewrite `fragile` on it.
                                                                             Sincerely yours, Me

vineri, 24 februarie 2012


Am sa ma ridic
catre nori
si-am s-ating

Am sa ma-ntalnesc
cu-acea cazatoare
ce-mi promisese acum
o mie de ani
ca-mi va veghea

Am sa te fac sa
cu dragostea neexplorata.
Nu-i frumos sa fi

Nu am fost o clasica;
nici nu intentionez.
Am s-ating
caci pot.

joi, 16 februarie 2012


Ma priveste cu
o privire tampa de om
care nu intelege
de ce nu intelege.

El ma-ntreaba neincetat
de ce cutreier cuvintele
in lung si-n lat.

El bea cafeaua
cu caimac,
fierbinte, fara zahar;
si urla macabru
ca s-a saturat.

Isi fumeaza tigara,
privindu-ma indescifrabil.
Imi spune ca-s frumoasa
cand cer
un fursec mancabil.

Ii place licenta-mi
si adora iubirea

Ciudatenia nu se poate
exprima in cuvinte.

miercuri, 8 februarie 2012

Un fraier care are impresia ca stie sa minta frumos

Nepasarea mascata de amabilitate si de cuvinte frumoase gen `Imi pare rau`, `Te iubesc`, `Chiar imi pasa` se numeste ipocrizie. Ipocrizia este, din punctul meu de vedere, cel mai intalnit fenomen al acestui secol pentru ca ascunde anumite interese; ne comportam frumos cu altii pentru ca vrem sa obtinem ceva de la ei, pentru ca ne convin relatiile pe care le stabilim prin ei sau pentru ca nu-i frumos sa se zica despre tine ca esti artagos sau ca esti certat cu cineva. Asa ca, la ipocrizie inainte!

Si asa incepe povestea....

`Adriana, Adriana, a da, tipa aia aroganta care are doar cativa prieteni buni, care se intelege bine cu multi, dar pe fata careia citesti pe cine place si pe cine nu. Da, mi-o amintesc, ce-i cu ea?`
`A zis ca esti un fatarnic care nu vrea decat sa aiba cat mai multe fete pe lista, un fraier care are impresia ca stie sa minta frumos si ca acele doua cuvinte rezolva orice.`
Ovidiu, tipul ala pe care Adriana l-a descris perfect intr-o discutie cu o colega , s-a simtit atunci ca lovit in orgoliu. Cum, tipa infumurata si ingropata in lumea ei, aia care nu vede nimic in afara de propria-i persoana l-a citit pe el, pe el! intr-o secunda? Pai nici macar nu se cunosc personal...
`Ei bine, prietene, afla ca Adriana are dreptate si ca ea e noul trofeu de pe lista mea. Iti garantez ca o s-o am pana in iunie!`
`Pai ce ma, tu te pui la mintea nebunei aleia? Nici macar nu va cunoasteti, cum naiba crezi ca o s-o aduci in patul tau?`
`Pai doar sunt fatarnic si stiu sa mint frumos. N-ar trebui sa fie prea greu. Mai intai o s-o intrig si mai tare, apoi o sa ma imprietenesc cu ea si o sa-i arat ca-s baiat de treaba si dupa aceea e floare la ureche.`
`Bine ma, facem pariu pe o bere.`
`Da ma! Hai salut, vorbim !`

Si asa incepe povestea Adrianei si a lui Ovidiu.
Un El si o Ea, hai ca stiti structura clasica.

miercuri, 1 februarie 2012

De ce?

De ce atunci cand gresesti esti aratat cu degetul, iar atunci cand faci ceva dragut nu vede nimeni?
De ce acei oameni la care tii nu observa atunci cand faci sacrificii pentru ei?
De ce cand altii gresesc, eu trebuie sa iert, dar atunci cand gresesc eu nu ma iarta nimeni?
De ce nu uitam ceea ce vrem sa uitam?
De ce plangem pentru ca vrem sa nu mai plangem?
De ce ne mintim singuri?
De ce uneori pentru a merge mai departe trebuie sa te opresti?
De ce atunci cand nu iti mai doresti ceva, obtii?
De ce iertam persoanele la care tinem? Pentru ei sau pentru noi?
De ce orice minune dureaza 2 secunde (nici macar 3 zile nu mai tine)?
De ce pana si `Te iubesc!` se degradeaza?
De ce nu se tin `prietenii` de cuvant?
De ce mintim cand nici macar nu e nevoie?

Societatea ne obliga sa facem toate astea sau faptul ca a venit momentul in care mastile pe care le purtam devin o parte importanta a personalitatii noastre, astfel incat nici nu mai stim cine suntem cu adevarat....?