joi, 15 august 2013


ne certăm
de dragul

Noi...frumos cuvânt, de la eu şi
am ajuns la noi.
Noi, al nostru.
Ne certăm..ei.., dar ne certam
ca proştii-n gară
că e prea mult soare-afară.
Ne certam că-i filmul
lung, că am stat
prea mult în fund.
Dacă nu-mi faci declaraţii, mă
gândesc că ai
relaţii. Dacă-mi spui că mă
iubeşti, parc-ai vrea să
mă vrăjeşti.

Suntem doi fraieri!
Hai să ne-mpăcăm!

miercuri, 14 august 2013


Coffee, its steams, breathe... all these things remind me of life, of coming and going and turning back. They remind me of confusion, I turned back from where I started, I don`t know what I think, I don`t know what I feel, I don`t know what I want. I don`t even want me, I want to dissapear, to let things go away. I want me to go away.  I`m so pathetic!
I have to let him go, I have to believe in good, but I am not so idealistic anymore, things have changed thus far.

dear darling,
you wanna know if you still have the power to pick them up even if you`re  here. you wanna know if you still can cheat everyone and also be the good guy with those puppy eyes. you know how bad I hate the boys who think they deserve everything and they can have every girl and every shit they want. and it`s so naive to think you`re not the same. in a way or another, you`re all the same. 
I`m sick of everything...where`s that trust? can you tell me, dear darling?

marți, 13 august 2013


You`re gonna miss me when I`m gone
You`re gonna miss me by my hair
You`re gonna miss me everywhere, oh
You`re gona miss me when I`m gone

marți, 6 august 2013


I still remember the first day I saw you, our first kiss, our first conversation, your first I love you, babe!...
That`s how all those sad stories begin, the difference is that these lines are my present and they will always be. Letters to Juliet, great movie and..a great quote there : The greatest love story is your own.

duminică, 4 august 2013


Mă auzi?
Da, te aud. Ce faci?
Te iubesc! Acum închid, mă duc să mă culc.
M-ai auzit?! Te iubesc! auzit. Şi eu te iubesc!
Bine. Pa! Vorbim.

Băi, ce fain! E real... Parc-ar fi un moment din ăla din cărţi sau din filme... Ca melodia aia...I just called to say I love you...